Chris Yate <> writes:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to typeset a number of short pieces into multiple scores in one
> file. I can do this manually, as:

> This doesn't work; my substitution syntax is clearly wrong here, but
> I'd be interested to see if there's a way to do it.  Or does the way
> the code is parsed mean music functions can't be referenced in this
> way?

A score is not music.

And you cannot splice identifiers like


That's just nonsensical.  Try something like

\version "2.19.35"

musicOne = \relative c'' { g4 a b c }
musicTwo = \relative c'' { g4 a b c }

% Manually create all scores

\score {  

\score { 

% Programmatically create scores?

printTheScore = 
#(define-scheme-function (number) (string?)
\score {
  $(module-ref (current-module)
    (string->symbol (format "music~a" number)))

\printTheScore "One"
\printTheScore "Two"

David Kastrup
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