Hi Urs,

I'm not sure about support for this within Lily/Frescobaldi, but I know a
similar mechanism exists in Lyx. At the least, you can issue commands to a
parent document from within the editing environment for the child document.
Not sure how useful it would be, but LaTeX has a package (srcltx, here:
http://ctan.org/pkg/srcltx) that embeds a markup into child documents (in
this case the DVI output) that links back to the generating TeX file. But
that sort of thing would have to involve a tag or markup or something in
the related child documents. Someone who knows much better how
Lily/Frescobaldi handle child documents would have to answer that.


On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 11:44 AM, Urs Liska <u...@openlilylib.org> wrote:

> If I have
> % file a.ly
> \include "b.ily"
> % file b.ily
> \include "c.ily"
> % file c.ily
> can I somehow refer to file b.ily from file c.ily?
> In other words: If b.ily includes c.ily can I know from within c.ily
> that it was b.ily who included me?
> I suppose not, but one should never give up without asking ...
> Best
> Urs
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