Andrew Bernard <> writes:

> Hi David,
> The following use of ‘_’ to place the text spanner down has no
> effect. What is incorrect here? You are saying using ‘_’ and ‘^’
> affect text spanners, are you not?
> Andrew
> — snip
> \version "2.19.37"
> {
>   \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = "left"
>   \override TextSpanner.bound-details.right.text = "right"
>   c''4_\startTextSpan c'' c'' c''
>   c''1 \stopTextSpan
> }

That example is almost correct, apart from the \version line.  It needs
to be at least 2.19.38.

Assuming that this version will already contain the patch

Current branch: issue4785
Tracker issue: 4785 (
Rietveld issue: 293730043 (
Issue description:
  Let TextSpanner inherit any direction set in event  Something like
  c_\startTextSpan should create a TextSpanner below the system.

In other words: this should have worked but didn't.  Without a testable
example in all of the thread, I was not going to bother with checking.
Now that I've been able to check, I've created a fix.

David Kastrup

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