In the added example I want to have one noteline with bar lines the second noteline without bar lines.

How can I restrict the scope of \layout{} to only one \score{}?

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \version "2.18.0"

#(set-global-staff-size 30)

a-pent = {

\relative c {

\clef bass

\key a \major

a b cis e fis a a fis e cis b a



a-bseven-pent = {

\relative c {

\clef bass

\key a \major

a b cis e fis g a a g fis e cis b a



\layout {

indent = 4\cm

\omit Stem

\context {


defaultBarType = ""



\score {


\new Staff { \a-pent-four}



\score {


\new Staff { \a-bseven-pent-four}


} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

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