Hi all,

Here’s something I played around with last night: a lilypond server. I found some old discussions of this idea, and an old bit of code by Han-Wen. Enclosed is a working server script and a client bash script to go with it.

The server script starts a telnet server on port 12321. When a client connects, the server forks and compiles the filename sent by the client. The rationale for this is to eliminate the start up time, and thus shave about 0.5-0.6s off the compilation time.

So for simple snippets you get compilation time on the order of 0.2-0.3s, which feels almost “real-time”, which is nice!

There’s also an open issue for this: https://sourceforge.net/p/testlilyissues/issues/1199/

To start the server:

lilypond server.ly

To use the client:

chmod +x lyc
./lyc myfile.ly

Happy lilyponding,

Attachment: server.ly
Description: Binary data

Attachment: lyc
Description: Binary data

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