On 16-04-04 05:12 PM, Sharon Rosner wrote:
Sharon Rosner wrote
In addition, the music is cut immediately after the last note, and does
not show the bar line that I’m explicitly asking for:
For anyone who's interested, I've found a workaround technique based on code
in music-functions.scm. The code is here:


Another possibility is simply putting a spacer rest after the \bar function:
\version "2.19.37"

music = \relative c' {
  c1 d e f \bar "||" s
  \set Score.skipTypesetting = ##t
  g a b c

{ \music }

It does seem odd that skipTypesetting seems to begin on a bar line rather than in the instant after it, though.

1.79 * 10^12 furlongs/fortnight: 'Tis not just a good idea, it be the law!
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