On 6 April 2016 at 09:10, Thomas Scharkowski <t.scharkow...@t-online.de>

> From the Notation Reference:
> "In engraving from the Romantic and Classical periods, beams often begin
> midway through the measure in 3/4 time, but modern practice is to avoid the
> false impression of 6/8 time (see Gould, p. 153)."
> Shouldn't ##f be the default?
As I mentioned before, I find that justification a bit strange. (Call me
old-fashioned, but I believe that musical education can go a long way...)
But besides that, in the cases where it really does matter (as in Kieren's
example), such a "mechanical" approach just isn't the solution. Secondly,
when I explored the effect of that setting, I wasn't sure the outcome is
really that desirable:
\relative c' {
  \time 3/4
  \set Timing.beamHalfMeasure = ##f
  r8 r r c c c
  r r c c c r
 r c c c r r
 c c c r r r
 r r c c c c
 r c c c c r
 r c c c c c
I left out some permutations, but maybe it's clear enough why the outcome
seems a bit inconsistent to me.

homme, ni présence

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