On 25/04/16 23:48, J Martin Rushton wrote:
> Your comments about broadband being ubiquitous are unfounded.  Even
> where broadband is claimed, plenty of people still struggle on with
> around 1Mb/s.  Using BT in the south east of England we only get 1.6
> Mb/s and I don't appreciate sitting and waiting just so that exploding
> blancmange can be projected onto my screen.  Stick to ASCII for text
> and keep the fancy stuff for when it's needed.

I'm lucky - living 100 yards from the exchange, I get 17Mb over copper -
that is when I've got a working DNS! Half the time it seems my internet
link is fine, but unusable because BT's DNS has decided to stop working!

(And of course, I can't get the widely touted super-fast Infinity -
otherwise known as Fibre To The Cabinet - because I don't have a cabinet!!!)


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