I think I solved it. The trick was removing the the vertical-skylines property:

impMrkp =
%\tweak staff-padding #'() %% not sure if needed
%\tweak staff-padding #'()
\tweak outside-staff-priority #'()
\tweak layer #-30
\tweak Y-offset #-3
\tweak vertical-skylines #'()
-\markup { \hspace #3 \vcenter \epsfile #X #25 #"improv.eps" }

  \new Staff = "UP" {
    \relative c''' {
      \textLengthOn b32[ \impMrkp \change Staff = "DOWN" b,,]
  \new Staff = "DOWN" {
    \relative c''' {

Em 29-04-2016 10:27, Caio Giovaneti de Barros escreveu:
Well, actually... Now I have another problem I didn't realize before.
In the piece I'm actually engraving the dots must cross staves and in the solution below the eps does ignore the staff above, but avoids collision with the staff below. Any suggestions?

\version "2.19.35"

impMrkp =
%\tweak staff-padding #'() %% not sure if needed
\tweak staff-padding #'()
\tweak outside-staff-priority #'()
\tweak layer #-30
\tweak Y-offset #'()
-\markup { \hspace #3 \vcenter \epsfile #X #25 #"improv.eps" }

  \new Staff = "UP" {
    \relative c''' {
      \textLengthOn b32[ \impMrkp \change Staff = "DOWN" b,,]
  \new Staff = "DOWN" {
    \relative c''' {

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