On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 11:14 PM Andrew Bernard <andrew.bern...@gmail.com>

> Hi Werner,
> On 29 April 2016 at 14:05, Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> wrote:
> >
> >> As far as I know this particular list does not have a list owner,
> >> and there are no published rules.
> >
> > Of course there is a list owner.
> Who, may one ask? Why are they taking no interest in this extensive
> discussion?

Perhaps because the "extensive discussion"  has occurred while my
non-working hours are spent preparing to move from one location to another.

For the record:

1) I am not David Kastrup, I am David Linn.  (I do not live in Europe, I
live in the southeastern part of the United States of America).

2) I am a dinosaur and find use of HTML, top posting, and gratuitous
assumptions about available bandwidth annoying.  I have strong views about
appropriate use of mailing lists but choose not to impose them on you.

3) My personal choice of MUA is Heirloom mailx (formerly nail), an enhanced
version of the Berkeley mail(1) program.  That said, the list manangement
mail for the Lilypond lists goes to Gmail, precisely so that I am able to
deal with the ... variety of formats people send to the Lilypond lists.

4) As David K. suggested, the simple way to get to the administrator of a
GNU mailing list is to send mail to <mailinglist>-owner.  Further, if you
visit http://lists.gnu.org/ and follow the listinfo link, or just look at
the footer of every message from both the regular list and the digest list,
you'll find


which lists my address at the bottom of the page.

5) Personal attacks against a list administrator (such as the ones launched
against me for the work I done on this list and its cousins and their
predecessors) make that administrator unlikely to do more than the absolute
minimum to maintain a list.
lilypond-user mailing list

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