> Message: 4
> Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2016 20:21:28 -0500
> From: David Wright <lily...@lionunicorn.co.uk>
> To: Flaming Hakama by Elaine <ela...@flaminghakama.com>
> Subject: Re: attachments and digest mode
> On Fri 29 Apr 2016 at 17:05:05 (-0700), Flaming Hakama by Elaine wrote:
>> I will note, however, that the suggestions about using images or
>> attachments don't seem to work with the list in digest mode.
>> Choosing an example from the latest digest, the attachment link yeilds a
>> 404 error.
>> Is that intentional, that attachments are neither included in the digest,
>> nor are they available through links?
> Some are available through links; just not the ones given in the digest.
> I don't know the particulars of your example because I had already
> deleted it (not interested in chord mode) by the time I read your posting.

In my experience, all are available through links, but never the ones given in 
the digest.
> I pointed this out to the powers that be at gnu.org a while back,
> but that might have been sent too high up the chain of admin. So
> I'll try copying David Linn into this email instead.

This thread is dying a quick death.  I have raised this issue with the 
nonsensical digest attachments several times in the last several years.  Those 
threads also died a quick death.  I wonder how many get the Lilypond user list 
via the digest rather than as individual emails.  I would guess maybe 4 or 5 
get the digest, or else this issue would get at least a little attention. 

Did you succeed in copying David Linn?  Did you get a response?  I don’t think 
he’s responded on the list.  Do you know any powers that be at gnu.org that are 
a little lower in the hierarchy?

Does anyone that gets the digest receive valid attachment URLs?

Pat Karl

> Cheers,
> David.

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