Op Fri, 29 Apr 2016 21:58:38 +1000
Matt Hood <mattho...@gmail.com> schreef:

> Add in temporary polyphonic passages, chords, etc, and it all just
> becomes an exercise in trial and error. Any tips for keeping control?

Makes me think of an intelligent input mode for Frescobaldi, where the
first note after the place you are inserting new notes is automagically
changed to the correct octave if you are in a \relative construct...

When you have this:

\relative {
  c c c c
  c c c c

and you start to insert a line (pipesymbol is text cursor):

\relative {
  c c c c
  d e f g
  c c c c

that at the moment you type the `g`, Frescobaldi automatically writes
a comma after the next c, which was already existing:

\relative {
  c c c c
  d e f g
  c, c c c

Wilbert Berendsen, musician
‣ mail: i...@wilbertberendsen.nl
‣ web: www.wilbertberendsen.nl
‣ phone: +31646122877

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