Ah!  I think I got this one:

 \override LyricText #'extra-offset = #'(0.8 . 0)

This will allow me to add extra space between the numbers (which are in the right place) and the start of the lyric text.

On 7/1/2016 10:46 AM, Br. Gabriel-Marie | SSPX wrote:
There is this one song that is in c-minor and so the key signature shows the three flat signs at the beginning of each staff.

But c-major doesn't need any extra signs.

However, I am numbering my lyrics like this so that I get numbers on every line: \new Lyrics \with { instrumentName = "8." shortInstrumentName = "8." }

% **** Verse numbering using instrumentname
\override InstrumentName.X-offset = 3
\override InstrumentName.font-size = 0

This puts my numbering just under the three flat signs in c-minor.

But my problem is that in c-major the lyric text overlaps the numbers.

So, how can I insert a "blank" in the staff where I'd normally have the three flats? (I'm looking in the docs at \staff and horizontal spacing....)

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