I tried to write a treble line and a bass line. The treble line has an appoggiatura at the beginning, the bass line has not. If you compile that attached snippet you will find the appoggiatura before the time definition. in the second measure/bar it is not.

There is also a strange treble clef in front of the bassline - only in the short snippet I prepared for the derfinition of the question. In the much longer original lilypond document I am working on it is not?

What is wrong with this??? I found no solution in my experiments. Thanks for any help!



upper= { \relative c'' {

\clef treble

\key as \major

\time 2/4

\grace bes16 as8 as16 bes as8 g |

\grace { as16[( bes] } <c as>4)

\grace { as16[( bes] } <c as>4) \bar "||"


lower={ \relative c {

\clef bass

\key as \major

\time 2/4

as8 as16 bes as8 g |

<c as>4

<c as>4 \bar "||"



\new Staff {\upper}

\new Staff {\lower}



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