On Thu 07 Jul 2016 at 00:52:53 (-0700), Andrew Bernard wrote:
> This may be the standard, but it is woefully ambiguous, and text-centric.
> In the case of a music composition, is is the composer or the engraver? Is
> the ‘document’ the music, or the setting of it?

Neither. It's the PDF document itself.

> Setting Author to the name of the composer does not make it clear to
> anybody who the composer is. These PDF standards may be iron clad rulings,
> but they are not well thought out for non-text works.

But the metadata to which "Author" belongs is the *document* metadata,
not contents metadata. Document metadata is a level above any
consideration of what the document's contents might represent. The
designers carefully included this metadata for document handling, and
gave you Metadata Streams for any sort of *content* handling you might
wish for. They had their thinking-hats on. :)

There's no problem with LP adding extra keys for content metadata,
except that many programs will ignore it and not make it available
to you. So, for example, pdfinfo (Glyph & Cog, LLC) ignores the
Poet that LP can include.

BTW one of the odd "assumptions" made in LP is in that variable called
poet. What about compositions whose lyrics are prose?


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