Colin Tennyson <> writes:

> From the above page:
> The font size, compared to the ‘normal’ size. 0 is style-sheet’s normal
> size, -1 is smaller, +1 is bigger. Each step of 1 is approximately 12%
> larger; 6 steps are exactly a factor 2 larger. Fractional values are
> allowed. 
> But that is not what I'm getting.
> I tried this:
> \layout { Lyrics.LyricText.font-size = #-1 }


Parsing.../usr/local/share/lilypond/2.19.44/scm/lily.scm:1089:21: In procedure 
ly:parse-file in expression (ly:parse-file file-name):
/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.19.44/scm/lily.scm:1089:21: Wrong type (expecting 
pair): #<Context_def Lyrics 

(interesting error message, by the way).

> That reduced the lyrics font size to less than half of the default size, by
> the looks of it.

Your minimal example does not contain any lyrics.

> Next I tried this:
> \layout { Lyrics.LyricText.font-size = #-0.2 }
> I estimate that gave me about 3/4 of the default font size.

I estimate this gives pretty much the same error as above.

> So I can sort of dial it in by trial and error, but of course it would be
> great to know the exact formula.

Let's start with a working minimal example and go from there.  The
font-size formula is, indeed, 2**(font-size/6) as stated.  You claim to
be seeing something else but without an actual example it is impossible
to check what is going wrong.

David Kastrup

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