Am 20.07.2016 um 04:26 schrieb Andrew Bernard:
> All the rest of the signs are phrasing slurs in this snippet. I would
> say it’s also a phrasing slur, and not a mistake or error.

I disagree. I have skimmed through the whole score, and I'm still nearly
sure (maybe now 98.5 % instead of merely 98 %) that this is an engraving

If I'm not mistaken this is a piano reduction?
If that's the case i'd assume there's a tied note or two slurred ones in
an instrumental part here.

I see two options here, depending on what you want with this score:

1 (the scholarly approach):
Get hold of the full score and see if there's a part that warrants the
slur/tie. If you find somethign adjust the thing accordingly.

2 (the flashy approach):
Use the scholarLY package and produce a nice annotation with footnote.
See attached input and result files.

Of course you can base 2) on the results of 1)


> The Peter Pan score seems to be full of such _descriptive_
> indications. Not all scores are entirely _prescriptive_.
> Andrew
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\version "2.19.45"

\include "scholarly/"

\new Staff
\relative a {
  \clef bass
      \criticalRemark \with {
        message = "In the piano reduction there is a spurious tie or slur
                   that spans the whole measure but isn't continued
                   after the line break"
        footnote-offset = #'(-0.5 . 1)
        footnote-text = "Spurious tie/slur. See critical remarks"
      a1 \laissezVibrer
    \new Voice {
      a,8 r r4 r2
  <d f a>8

Attachment: spurious-tie.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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