2016-09-08 18:13 GMT+02:00 Michael Winter <mwin...@unboundedpress.org>:
> Respectfully,
> This is like someone asking for directions but instead of getting an
> answer on how to get to their preferred destination, getting asked why
> they would want to go there at all.
> If this were a question about default lilypond behavior, I would
> understand that standard engraving practices should be discussed. But
> this is an exceptional case that I would like to do programmatically.
> That is, I was not asking for this to be the norm, but rather how I
> could enable the exception. After all, lilypond is so, so powerful for
> both its automatic behavior and the fact that you can pretty much do
> anything that you want.
> But to answer your question. I am engraving a score of someone
> posthumously. There are uninked copies done by hand, which are probably
> some of the most beautiful, albeit admittedly sometimes unconventional,
> notation practices I have ever seen. Regardless, I am doing my best to
> make the convention for engraving this particular project as close to
> possible to the composer's original hand copies. And believe me, I have
> yet to find a moment in this composer's work, where his exceptions to
> common practices were not well thought out and considered.
> Best,
> Michael

Respectfully as well,

let's say I misunderstood your initial request due to some
language-issues of a none-native-speaker.

Otherwise this thread would surely blow up for additional 30-40 mails
about how-to-ask or minimal-examples and other topics of this kind,
containing opinions which all were stated before and that more than

And you _did_ provide not only your reasoning, but also some code in follow ups.

Looks like David N's replies fullfit your needs already :)

All the best,

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