On 17.09.2016 20:27, Simon Albrecht wrote:
Hello folks,

I’m attaching an excerpt from my current project, where I’d actually really need a 4th order Bézier slur – but that’s impossible with Lily now. Unfortunately I also lack an idea what else to do in this situation – I’d like to avoid an extra staff…
Any ideas?

Best, Simon

Here’s the code as well.
\version "2.19.47"
\language "deutsch"

upper = \relative {
  \key d \major
  \clef bass
  s2 r8 d,16 g h d g h
  d8 r s2.
  s4 \voiceTwo h8.(-- c16-- h2--)
lower = \relative {
  \key d \major
  \clef bass
  r2 <d' h g=>~-^(
      <d h g>4 <c g e> <h g> \voiceOne cis
      \change Staff = upper
      \clef treble \voiceOne d e fis2)\fermata
    \new Voice {
      s2. <g,= e>4 \oneVoice
      <fis h,> <g e> <fis dis>2\fermata
\score {
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff = upper \upper
      \new Staff = lower \lower
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