Please keep conversations on the list!

I was too concise, I guess. Your score notates a \partial 16*4, a 'pickup' of 4 16th notes. If I look at your notes, I presume a 'pickup' of a duration of 5 16th notes makes more sense. Hence, replace your \partial 16*4 with \partial 16*5, and have a look at the result.


On 09/18/2016 10:42 AM, bb wrote:
I was wrong with 16*4, that means 5x 1/16. But I do not understand what
you want to get?


%right =
\relative c'' {


% Music follows here.

\partial 16 * 4



\tuplet 3/2 {g8 e g} %|

a8. [a16] % 2x 1/8 = 1/4

r4 % 1x1/4

r8. % 1/4 together with the starting e16
d8. c16 %| %1x1/4
cis8. c16 %1x 1/4


left = \relative c' {


% Music follows here.

\partial 16*4 r16 r4

<a, e'>4 <a fis'> <a g'> <a fis'>

<d, a'> <d b'> <d c'> <d b'>


Am 18.09.2016 um 10:20 schrieb Rutger Hofman:
I guess you want \partial 16*5


On 09/18/2016 09:47 AM, Serious Fun wrote:
right = \relative c'' {


% Music follows here.

\partial 16 * 4 e,16 \noBeam \tuplet 3/2 {g8 e g} |

a8. [a16] r4 r8. a,16 \noBeam d8.c16 |

cs8. c16


left = \relative c' {


% Music follows here.

\partial 16*4 r16 r4

<a, e'>4 <a fs'> <a g'> <a fs'>

<d, a'> <d b'> <d c'> <d b'>

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