mclaren <> writes:

> An alternative method involves simply adding in the required rests, rather
> than squishing or stretching the entire measure with a large tuplet. Since
> this method is easy to calculate exactly because you're just adding and
> subtracting various integer fractions, it always produces guaranteed
> results. With very large tuplets, there seem to sometimes be floating point
> inaccuracies in the calculations done inside Lilypond,

LilyPond does not work with floating point or other inaccurate types for
musical length calculations.  Its own rationals (where it uses them
rather than Guile's rather large rationals) however are limited in the
maximum value of numerator and denominator.  I don't think that it
checks all cases for overflow, so when you exceed their sizes, results
will not be inaccurate as much as completely off the wall.

David Kastrup

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