David Kaustrup wrote:

> Well, standard bass is severely underrepresented in what I am
> occasionally working with: I don't need it for accordion orchestra, and
> I am not a particularly skilled arranger so I tend to just use the free
> bass when playing stuff written for other instruments.
> But that's sort of underwhelming.  There are a number of different
> notations for standard bass (German, Russian, Italian) and it would nice
> to have basically the same input.

Yes it would be absolutely nice :)

Anyway, I thought there was a standard international notation for
accordion! Or anyway something that today is considered the way to go when
you write accordion score. Isn't it?

That's a bit more tricky for German
> since it often diverges into having notes that would work also for free
> bass or piano and no longer are in a 1:1 relation with buttons in the
> standard bass: particularly bass melodies tend to be spelled out without
> a rigidly located octave break in the notation, so one bass button may
> be written in several different octaves, and chords may use different
> inversions or a number of notes differing from 3 while keeping the same
> harmonic function.

Can you send me one example of german accordion notation?

> So in the extreme case, you'll want to use one
> source for the chord _namings_ that still are written as scripts to a
> bass staff generated with _another_ source.

I'm sorry I don't understand.

> I wrote AccordionStandardBass few months ago. Now that I understand a
> > bit more lilypond I would like to rewrite it. The idea is to have a
> > tool to write for accordion in "standard notation" and also generating
> > corresponding midi output. If you David, or anybody else with more
> > experience than me can help to do a better work it would be great.
> It would be reasonable if one form of input could be just notes since
> that is what a Midi accordion will deliver as its raw form.

and here too, I'm sorry but I don't understand what do you mean.

Ciao, g.
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