On 27/01/17 19:20, Jérôme Plût wrote:

Thanks for the answer, but:

your code produces a failed assertion in the lilypond binary:

 void Book::process_score(SCM, Paper_book*, Output_def*): Assertion `0' failed.

This assertion is unclear but, looking at the source file, it
obviously means that the top-level book content was neither a Score
nor a markup list (the execution path seems to go ly:book-process ->
Book::process -> Book::process_score). I leave it to the experts from

All I can say is that it works perfectly for me. I'm using the pre-built binary for 2.19.54, Ubuntu 16.04. 64-bit.

And while we are there: your solution seems to create a new book for
the score. Is that the case? How would one adapt it to incorporate the
score at top-level?

Here is a solution that returns a score from Scheme.

\version "2.19.54"

BlankStaff =
#(define-scheme-function (count) (integer?)
  (let* ((blankstaff #{ \score { \repeat unfold #count { s1 \break } } #} )
(layout #{ \layout { \context { \Staff \remove "Bar_engraver" } } #} ))
    (ly:output-def-set-variable! layout 'indent (ly:mm 0))
    (ly:output-def-set-variable! layout 'ragged-right #f)
    (ly:score-add-output-def! blankstaff layout)

\BlankStaff 4

Timothy Lanfear, Bristol, UK.

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