OK, I was asking because I have written a static command line HTML site 
generator that builds from HTML, Markdown, reStruturedText, Textile, Plain Text 
(.txt), and Microsoft Word (.docx).


Is that versatile enough for you? Also, how do you handle translations?

On February 3, 2017, at 2:43 AM, Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca> 

On Thu, Feb 02, 2017 at 09:31:39PM -0500, John Roper wrote:
>    Ok, so what are the major things you would like from a new web redesign
>    (not including the docs)?
>    I know of:
>    Not reliant on JavaScript
>    Can be translated
>    Can be updated with each new build

There's a few non-negotiable points:
- no server-side processing, no "dynamic" website.  We're using
  a donated shared server.  Anything which increases our resource
  load or opens a security risk is a non-starter.
- can be created automatically from source.  (This is probably
  implied by your "can be updated with each new build" point, but
  better to be clear up-front.)

A few points which are highly encouraged, but which I suppose
could be negotated:
- should be relatively easy for newcomers to update.  Texinfo
  qualifies; I guess that HTML could qualify as long as there's
  a clear separation of content and styling.  Markdown would
  certainly satisfy this point, but I'm not confident that it can
  do everything we'd want.
- work within the existing system.  We have a lot of developers,
  and a lot of history.  There are certainly many ways that our
  processes can be improved, but we generally have reasons why
  things are the way they are.
- last December, I prepared a github repository specifically to
  address the case of somebody wanting to modify the website:
  One person started working on this, and her first change has
  already been accepted to the LilyPond git repository.
  Unfortunately her progress has stalled a bit due to my health
  and various deadlines on Feb 4, but I hope to pick things up
  next week.

I strongly recommend that you take a look at that repository and
follow the steps outlined there.  As Werner and Urs recommended,
start with one small change -- "evolution, not revolution".  See
what kind of reaction that gets, let it go through the development
process, then repeat.

- Graham
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