Hi Urs,

Am 15.02.2017 um 18:03 schrieb Urs Liska:
> I'm trying to style an ottava bracket. But poking around in the IR
> doesn't show me the way how to make the right vertical line look like
> the horizontal line (in the attached image).

I am not sure, I understand what you mean with "look like the horizontal
line"? Same angle? Same thickness? Rectangular edges?

These are the properties I tweak to get a dotted ottavation line:

\layout {
    \override Score.OttavaBracket.dash-period = 0.6
    \override Score.OttavaBracket.dash-fraction = 0.01
    \override Score.OttavaBracket.edge-height = #'(0 . 0.8)
    \override Score.OttavaBracket.thickness = #2

\relative { a \ottava 1 a'' a \ottava -1 a,, a \ottava 3 a'''' a }


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