Am 28.02.2017 um 13:36 schrieb Son_V:
I mean that the diminu2 \! e4 \< endo goes from the its note through the
first rest and its "point" ends on the second rest. I don't think it's
correct and the result looks ugly to me. The code (an xml file written with
Musescore) at that point is

es1 \> \breathe | % 21
R1*2 | % 23
d2 \! e4 \< fis4 | % 24

what can I do? Thanks.

That’s hardly Lily’s problem. The input code asks for a diminuendo that starts at the onset of bar 21 and ends at the onset of bar 24. And that’s what Lily will engrave. If the diminuendo should stop before the rest, write
  es1\> <>\!
– the second one uses an empty chord (which has zero duration) to attach the ending of the \>, which might look more favourable in the code.

Best, Simon

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