I am forwarding your mail to the Lilypond-User mailing list.  Please
send your questions to this list as well: in this way they are read by a
number of people, and your problems are more likely to be solved.

Maurizio Tomasi
Via Newton, 6
24126 Bergamo (Italy)
Tel. +39-02-23699308

--- Begin Message ---
Hi again!

No, everything did not go OK.  It couldn't deal with updated-score.  Here
is the output of the command you gave me:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/lilypond", line 712, in ?
    fonts = map (lambda x: x + '.pfa', find_pfa_fonts (a))
  File "/usr/local/bin/lilypond", line 636, in find_pfa_fonts
    s = open (name).read ()
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'ps'
[1:226:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/u/gord>

Any ideas?


Rev. Gordon Gilbert

        |                 Angels' Roost Farm                  |
        |       Rev. Dn. Gordon Gilbert & Susan Gilbert       |
        |                   705-549-5056                      |
        |                [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  |
        |                [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |

--- End Message ---
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