Am 01.04.2017 um 06:51 schrieb Manuela Gößnitzer:
> Hi,
> does anybody know anything about the German forum? The page is down since
> yesterday, the site says "End of life". I am really sad because this forum
> is very valuable for me,
> greetings
> Manuela

Hi Manuela,

fugenkomponist from the german forum here. I hope this is an april
fools’ joke ;) But if not:

I hope lomtas (the admin) will give us a chance to archive the threads.
Some years ago he said he cannot transfer the admin access to someone
else because of data privacy issues so if he really wants or has to
close it we would have to start a new forum.

These privacy issues would only apply to user data but not for the
public threads so archiving the threads should be ok.

If this forum comes to an end I would like to start a new one. We could
ask lomtas to sell/transfer the domain directly to one
of us. And hosting a forum shouldn’t be that expensive (I know a german
hoster with pay-what-you-want, very good support and very much freedom)
and maybe committed users like harm6, chf, you, me and some others could
share the costs. The old forum then could be found at a subdomain

Viele Grüße

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