On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 9:16 PM, Abraham Lee <tisimst.lilyp...@gmail.com>

> On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 8:03 PM Kieren MacMillan <
> kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> In the snippet, below, the font-name override kills the \italic as set in
>> the \header.
>> Is there any way to avoid that [without having to hack the title into two
>> separate functions/parameters]?
>> Thanks,
>> Kieren.
>> \version "2.19.59"
>> \paper {
>>   bookTitleMarkup = ##f
>>   scoreTitleMarkup = \markup {
>>     \override #'(font-name . "Minion Pro")
>>     \fromproperty #'header:title
>>   }
>> }
>> \header {
>>   title = \markup { "SATB chorus" \italic "a cappella" }
>> }
>> \new Devnull s1
> The reason it breaks the \italic is because you don't tell LilyPond that
> there _is_ an italic variant when all you do is override the font-name like
> that.
> The better way would be to add a text font to the "fonts" tree because it
> looks for the four standard family members (regular, italic, bold, and
> bold-italic). I think the scheme function is "add-text-fonts". You can find
> how it's used in the file [LILYDIR]/scm/font.scm.
> With the font family added (let's say it's the 'minion family), you the
> change to it with
> \markup {
>   \override #'(font-family . 'minion)
>   ...
> }
> And if Pangolin found the italic variant, you shouldn't need to do
> anything else other than \italic like normal.

Oh, boy. My phone's auto-correct... That should read "Pango".

Anyway, I realized I didn't give you a very complete (or correct) solution.
So, let's try again. The \paper block should look like this (and this
should be below any #(set-global-staff-size ...) because that resets the
"fonts" variable and you need to add to it):


\paper {
  #(add-pango-fonts fonts 'minion "Minion Pro" (/ staff-height pt 20))
  bookTitleMarkup = ##f
  scoreTitleMarkup = \markup {
    \override #'(font-family . 'minion)
    \fromproperty #'header:title


Now, the font choice should propagate through to the \italic command.

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