Hallo Johannes,

nice to see you here!

> for printing parts I'd like to place the instruments name on the very top of
> each(!) page - I have no idea how this can be done.

As already answered normally the instrument is repeated on every page anyway.

However you write about parts and without a minimal working example I can only
guess as to what you do.

Assuming you do it "like it is supposed to be done" you'll likely use something
like the attached small example:

%%% snip %%%
\version "2.18.2"

\header {
  title = "My perfect piece"
  composer = "Music: by me"
  poet = "Words: by my wife ;-)"

musicc = \repeat unfold 120 { c'4 c' c' c' }
musicd = \repeat unfold 120 { d'4 d' d' d' }

\book {
  \bookOutputSuffix "Full"
  \header {
    instrument = "Full Score"
  \score {

\book {
  \bookOutputSuffix "music-c"
  \header {
    instrument = "music c"
  \score {

\book {
  \bookOutputSuffix "music-d"
  \header {
    instrument = "music d"
  \score {
%%% snip %%%

Michael Gerdau       email: m...@qata.de
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