On 23 May 2017 at 17:27, Don Gingrich <gingr...@internode.on.net> wrote:
> The likely answer is that I'm doing this all wrong, but I'll ask
> and hopefully find a solution that doesn't involve a complete
> re-structure of my source files.
> I've read the following several times an haven't found
> anything relevant
> I do a lot of song lead-sheets where there may be as many
> as 5-6 verses but the same chorus lyric.
> As for example
> verseOne = \lyricmode {
>  Verse one Line one lyric
>  verse one line two lyric
>  verse one line three lyric
>  chorus line 1 lyric
>  chorus line 2 lyric
> }
> verseTwo = \lyricmode {
>  verse Two Line one lyric
>  verse Two line two lyric
> verse Two  line three lyric
> }
> verseThree = \lyricmode {
>  verse Three Line one lyric
>  verse Three  line two lyric
> verse Three  line three lyric
> }
> The problem is that the staff spacing
> remains constant in the chorus lines
> so they take up more space than they need.
> ___________________(staff)
> Lyric 1
> Lyric 2
> Lyric 3
> _____________________(staff)
> Lyric 1
> Lyric 2
> Lyric 3
> _____________________(staff)
> Chorus Lyric
> <I'd like to get rid of this space>
> < this space too >
> _____________________(staff)
> Chorus Lyric
> The excess space gets worse with more verses
> I hope this is a clear exposition of the problem.
> Thanks
> -Don
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I had this problem. This fixed it:

\layout {
  \context {
    \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing =
     #'((basic-distance . 1.0)
       (minimum-distance . 0.7)
       (padding . 0.7)
       (stretchability . 15))

(with whatever values suit you).

I’m not quite sure why it works, but this looks like it explains it:

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