I'm a fairly inexpert lilypond user. I've used simple macros before, but
this one fails:

thrice = \repeat unfold 3

it produces an error message:  error: unknown escaped string: `\thrice'

Minimal example:
      thrice = \repeat unfold 3
      {\thrice {a b } }

The same thing happens if I drop the 3 and try to define rept = \repeat

The Notation Manual 3.4.4 says "... So far we’ve seen static substitution –
when LilyPond sees \padText, it replaces it with the stuff that we’ve
defined it to be (ie the stuff to the right of padtext=)."

It then goes on to

padText =
     (parser location padding)
     \once \override TextScript.padding = #padding

which looks more sophisticated than I need.  I just want a short
abbreviation of \repeat unfold
Maybe that's not possible without learning a good deal more?

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