Greetings All,

The code below is drawn from a work for piano four hands. However, the
instrumentName indications do not print in the first system. In the
following systems, the shortInstrumentName indications print as
requested. If I remove all the \grace sections, the instrumentName
indications appear in the output. Can anyone explain what I am doing

\version "2.19.54"

    \score {
        \new PianoStaff <<
          \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"Primo"
          \set PianoStaff.shortInstrumentName = #"pr."
          \new Staff = up \with {
            \consists "Metronome_mark_engraver"
          \relative c' {
            \key a \minor \time 2/4 \clef treble
            \ottava #2 \grace { e'''16[ fis gis] } <a e c>8 r r4 %1
            \grace { e16[ fis gis] } <a e c>8 \ottava #0 r r4 %2
          \new Staff = down {
            \relative c' {
              \key a \minor \time 2/4 \clef treble
              \grace { s16 s s } <a' c e a>8 r r4 %1
              \grace { s16 s s } <a c e a>8 r r8. dis,16 %2
        \new PianoStaff <<
          \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"Secondo"
          \set PianoStaff.shortInstrumentName = #"sec."
          \new Staff = felice \with {
            \consists "Metronome_mark_engraver"
          \relative c' {
            \key a \minor \time 2/4 \clef bass
            \grace { s16 s s } <c a e c>8 r r4 %1
            \grace { s16 s s } <c a e c>8 r r4 %2
          \new Staff = hwaen {
            \relative c' {
              \key a \minor \time 2/4 \clef bass
              \grace { s16 s s } r8 \ottava #-1 <a,,, a'> r4 %1
              \grace { s16 s s } r8 <a a'> \ottava #0 r4 %2

Thank you for any help!

Hwaen Ch'uqi

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