Hi there,

I have a few questions here.

How can I scale a music expression to the size of another music expression?

e.g. (pseudocode based on \scaleDurations)
\scaleDurations (fraction-of resulting-scale over music-to-be-scaled)

Also, in my example, why does #(mmrest-of-length musicExpression) not
generate an MMR?

My not so MWE,
I'm trying to include here the minimum required to represent my setup
It's a typical cadenza situation and I need others to stay in sync with it.

Thanks for considering.
Pierre-Luc Gauthier

\version "2.21.0"

cadenza = \relative c' {
  \override Beam.auto-knee-gap = #0
  c8[ c'' d,, b'' e,, a' f,] |

solo = \relative c' {
  c8 d e f g a b c |
  \cadenza |
  c8 d e f g a b c |

others = \relative c'{
  ees8 f g aes bes c d ees |
  %\scaleDurations #(skip-of-length cadenza)
  % How can I scale _this to the cadenza length?
  {f4\fermata r r2 |}
  ees,8 f g aes bes c d ees |

songStructure = {
  s1 |
  #(skip-of-length cadenza)
  \bar "|"
  s1 |

tacet = {
  R1 |
  % Why doesn't _this MMR show up?
  #(mmrest-of-length cadenza)

soloPart = \new Voice <<\songStructure \solo>>
othersPart = \new Voice <<\songStructure \others>>
tacetPart = \new Voice <<\songStructure \tacet>>

\version "2.21.0"

cadenza = \relative c' {
  \override Beam.auto-knee-gap = #0
  c8[ c'' d,, b'' e,, a' f,] |

solo = \relative c' {
  c8 d e f g a b c |
  \cadenza |
  c8 d e f g a b c |

others = \relative c'{
  ees8 f g aes bes c d ees |
  %\scaleDurations #(skip-of-length cadenza)
  % How can I scale _this to the cadenza length?
  {f4\fermata r r2 |}
  ees,8 f g aes bes c d ees |

songStructure = {
  s1 |
  #(skip-of-length cadenza)
  \bar "|"
  s1 |

tacet = {
  R1 |
  % Why doesn't _this MMR show up?
  #(mmrest-of-length cadenza)

soloPart = \new Voice <<\songStructure \solo>>
othersPart = \new Voice <<\songStructure \others>>
tacetPart = \new Voice <<\songStructure \tacet>>

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