We're working with a system of .ly files referencing a .ily template file
for formatting beaming behavior.  Now we'd like to apply the formatting to
some .ly files, but not others, and were hoping to accomplish this by means
of conditional statement.

That said, conditional statements in LaTeX have been giving us a bit of
trouble.  For context, we've tried creating a variable called
useBeamTemplates with a default value of true:

useBeamTemplates = ##t

Our next objective would be to set said variable to false in certain .ly
files, and then to place a conditional statement saying "if
useBeamTemplates is true, use formatting template; if false, don't bother"
in the same .ily file as the template code.

We're wondering if anyone with better experience writing conditionals for
templates in a lilypond-book setting can point us in the right direction?

Feedback much appreciated, and thank you for your time!
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