I have Missa Brevis KV 259 and so far 6 input files where the header is

> \header {
>   piece = "Sanctus"
> }
 the master file is \version "2.19.49"
> \language "deutsch"
>  #(set-global-staff-size 15)
> \header {
>   title = "Missa brevis in C"
>   subtitle = "Orgelsolo-Messe"
>   subsubtitle = "für Soli, Chor, Orchester und Orgel"
>   composer = "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart"
>   opus = "KV 259"
> }
> \include "Wolfgang-Amadeus-Mozart-Missa-brevis-in-C_Kyrie.ly"
> \include "Wolfgang-Amadeus-Mozart-Missa-brevis-in-C_Gloria.ly"
> \include "Wolfgang-Amadeus-Mozart-Missa-brevis-in-C_Sanctus.ly"
> \include "Wolfgang-Amadeus-Mozart-Missa-brevis-in-C_Benedictus.ly"
> \include "Wolfgang-Amadeus-Mozart-Missa-brevis-in-C_AgnusDei.ly"
> \include "Wolfgang-Amadeus-Mozart-Missa-brevis-in-C_DonaNobisPacem.ly"
Strange thing is that all pieces are labeled "Dona nobis pacem", the
name of the very last piece. A previous Missa von Bruckner where the
above file was taken from had not this problem. Please advice how to get
it correct.

Cheers Bernhard

D-79853 lenzkirch
www.b-kleine.com, www.urseetal.net
thunderbird mit enigmail
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