
The string specified immediately following \lyricsto is the name of the voice that the lyrics should follow. In your case the name of the voice is "allVoxMelody". If you wish to also name your lyrics you should use \new Lyrics = "voxLyric" \lyricsto "allVoxMelody"


On 16/11/17 04:55, Joe Davenport wrote:

I am new with LilyPond but have managed to find a way of listing variables;

guitarB =
  \relative c' { d8 e f g a b c d }

voxMelodyA =
  \relative c' ...

and inserting them as an order of phrasing under the \score staff grouping. Unfortunately I am having difficulties when adding lyrics! I receive an error message that the string " " for lyricsto cannot be found. Notice that I tried to create a "voxSeq" for the vocal arrangements before putting it inside my group of staves. Perhaps I must do this for the lyrics as well...

(see context below)

\score {
\new ChoirStaff <<
  \new ChordNames { r1 r1 \chordA }
  \new Staff = "Guitar"
    { \guitarIntro \guitarA \guitarB }
  \new Staff <<
    \new Voice = "allVoxMelody"
      { \voxSeq

    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "voxLyric" {
      r1 \voxLyricA \voxLyricB

Thank you!

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