On 11/17/17 10:30 AM, Edward Neeman wrote:

1. Why the giant gap between scores when the music goes to a second page? -
(this happens regardless of how ragged-last-bottom is set)

ragged-last-bottom doesn't seem to affect the space between score
blocks, so multiple score blocks are spaced out evenly on the last
page, even if ragged-last-bottom is set to true.

Is this a bug? It doesn't seem to be fixed in version 2.19.80.

Fortunately, there are several workarounds available.

2. Is there a way to control that gap?

That gap is controlled with the score-system-spacing variable in the
\paper block. Try adding this line to your \paper block:

    score-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 0) (padding . 3)
(stretchability . 0) (minimum-distance . 0))


This works perfectly! Thank you Dr. Edward :)


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