You can add your own language which contains those two aliases:

#(define a (assoc-ref language-pitch-names 'nederlands))
#(set! a (acons 'aseh (ly:make-pitch -1 5 THREE-Q-FLAT) a))
#(set! a (acons 'eseh (ly:make-pitch -1 2 THREE-Q-FLAT) a))
#(set! language-pitch-names (acons 'nederlands2 a language-pitch-names))
#(note-names-language "nederlands2")

{a aeseh aseh e eeseh eseh}

On 11/22/17 04:37, Edward Neeman wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've gotten quite used to the fact that "as" is A flat and "es" is E
> flat in Lilypond. Is there a reason why sesqui-flats need to be
> spelled aeseh and eeseh (instead of the abbreviated "aseh" or "eseh")?
> This is not a huge issue, though it is annoying that Frescobaldi isn't
> aware that these abbreviations aren't accepted. So if I convert
> relative to absolute pitch in Frescobaldi, it changes my aeseh's to
> aseh's, and I need to search and replace to be able to compile again.
> Thanks!
> Edward
> --------------
> Dr. Edward Neeman
> Adjunct Instructor, South Georgia State College
> Collaborative Pianist, Valdosta State University, Georgia
> Artist Faculty, ELMS Conservatory, Jakarta
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