Hello Lilyponders,

While searching for lilypond support of black mensural notation, I found
the following in openlilylib: blackmensural-notation/definitions.ily
The version under which it was developed is 2.12 and when I convert it
convert-ly is not able to convert everything (error messages are in the
file as comments).
My knowledge of the inner workings of Lilypond is too limited to perform
manual conversion, so I was wondering if anybody ever took a look at it and
converted or if anybody is up to the task.


Giampaolo Orrigo, MBA

"*Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent"*

(L. Wittgenstein, *Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, *Proposition 7)

Attachment: definitions.ily
Description: Binary data

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