On 12/8/2017 2:09 PM, Chris Jones wrote:
I would need some help removing the autmatically generated natural signs
that I see in lilypond's output.

I coded this:

|   global = {
|     \time 4/4
|     \key g \major
|     \tempo \markup { \concat {Mouv. \super t} de Marche}
|   }
|   #(set-global-staff-size 16.5)
|   melody = \relative c {
|     \global
|       \partial 16 d'16                         \bar "||"
|       \set melismaBusyProperties = #'()
|       \autoBeamOff
|       \set Staff.extraNatural = ##f
|       g4.. g16 f8. g16 a8. g16                        |   % b01

... expecting to see output with no accidentals.

Now what happens is that lilypond adds a natural sign in front of the
"f8"... thus changing the implied F# (key is G major) to an F... (?)

Obvious workaround is coding "fis8l." instead of "f8." to get rid of
that extra natural sign:

|       g4.. g16 fis8. g16 a8. g16                      |   % b01

... and remember to do the same for every "F" in my .ly file.

I have read the section entitled "Warning: key signatures and pitches"
in the lilypond learning manual at least a dozen times and I still don't
see why I would need to do that.

Wouldn't this become rather painful/tedious if the gentleman who wrote
this particular song had had the bright idea of transposing it to
a fancier key like... G# major for instance?

If that were the case I would have to add an "is" to just about every
single note in the score!

This of course might be a non-issue e.g. for professional musicians who
think at a different level and hear what they are typing... but for
a mere "typesetter" like myself who has to make do with vague memories
of the very basics of music notation from his high school days this
could make life somewhat difficult...!

So... I initally looked for something that might let me globally
override this behavior via a single setting or command but I haven't
come across anything obvious.

As you can see above I tried adding a "\set Staff.extraNatural = #ff"
just in case--even though from what I read in the documentation it
didn't sound promising... but as I suspected this didn't help.

Is there any other way I could handle this?



PS. Attaching sample png's.

Sorry, I meant to say that *because *you're using that command ##f, the output should be as you have attached. :)
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