Hi Martin,

I perhaps did not express that clearly. 2.19.80 is in the development line
and it is technically marked 'unstable' as opposed to the 2.18.2 stable
release, because anything not 2.18.2 is called 'unstable'. But this does
not mean it is unstable and unusable. In actual use and practice the later
2.19 releases hardly ever crash and show very few defects. That's what I
mean by stable. I use the 2.19 series for difficult new Complexity school
scores and everything is good, no problems. Not a single crash even with
long scores in a couple of years.


On 11 December 2017 at 04:57, J Martin Rushton <
martinrushto...@btinternet.com> wrote:

> Am I looking in the wrong place: http://lilypond.org/index.html ?  The
> page there lists 2.18.2 as the stable release and 2.19.80 as unstable.
> Martin
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