Hi List,

I'm trying to use the \featherDurations command on a brief passage:

\relative c' {
a,,^\markup { \italic "subito meno mosso" }\( b cis dis eis8\)
 \override Beam.grow-direction = #LEFT
  \featherDurations #(ly:make-moment 2/1)
 { a,32[\( b cis dis eis]\)\fermata }
 \override Beam.grow-direction = #'()
 < a, cis e >16 < a cis e >


What I want is for that feathered group on the fourth line to occupy the
duration of exactly one eighth note. As there are five notes, I'm
struggling with the math, and thus what to put after ly:make-moment.

Can you advise as to what the numbers should be?


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