Hi Urs,

I include xelatex texts by converting each page of the resulting PDF into an EPS-file. Those EPS-files are then included in a markup-list to allow page-breaking. The XeTeX-source is created with zero-margins dimensions fitting into the available space. But if you want to include pages it should be possible inside a bookpart with zero-margins.

The question is if the LaTeX way is easier in the end.

I use this for including preface texts of up to three pages and a book full of LilyPond scores.


Am 18.12.2017 um 16:31 schrieb Urs Liska:
Hi all,

would it be possible (or did anyone already do something like this) to include whole PDF pages between bookparts?

I'm thinking of a way to combine title pages and/or prefattory matter with scores and use LaTeX to create the text parts but do it from the LilyPond compilation.

In the infrastructure I'd want to do that I'm creating the bookparts manually, i.e. not thorugh top-level \bookpart {} but thorugh ly:book-add-bookpart! and similar functions, so I might have better control over the process than with "simple" LilyPond files.

Any ideas?
Or should I simply step back and do it from the LaTeX side of things?


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