On 12/29/2017 8:37 AM, Dave Higgins wrote:
Is there a way to center a whole notehead in the bar?

<< { c'1 } \new Dynamics { \override Hairpin #'minimum-length = #8 s8\> s s s s\p\< s s s\! } >>

I know I could use silence and fractional note lengths, but that seems sloppy.

Also, why doesn't R1*1 work like R1*2 (by putting the 2 in position over the rest)? (rhetorical)  Yes, I have a solution for this too, but again, sloppy.

I'm confused as to what you want the final result to be, but as far as just centering a note, you could always do something like this:

\version "2.19.80"

{ c'1
  \once \override NoteColumn.X-offset = #3

That will indeed place the whole note 'centered' in the bar, see attached.

Can you describe what you're looking for in more detail please?


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