Johannes Roeßler <> writes:

> Hi Guys,
> sort of an didactic question. Maybe I was tired or just stupid - I
> forgot about the \killCues command and tried to build this on my own.
> So - that means I know (now) the correct way to get rid of the cues - 
> but I'd still like to know where I was wrong with my idea:
> \version "2.19.58"
> \language "deutsch"
> ----8<--------------
> voiceA = \relative c' {
>   g8 a h c d e e e e2 e
> }
> voiceB = \relative c' {
>   %\clef "bass"
> \tag #'voice {
>     \new CueVoice {\set instrumentCueName = "Voice A"}
>     \cueDuringWithClef #"voiceA" #UP #"treble" { r2 r2 }
>   }
> \tag #'partitur { r1}
>   a1
> }
> \addQuote "voiceA" {\voiceA}
> <<
>   \voiceA
>   \removeWithTag #'partitur { \voiceB}

Your example contains cut marks in the middle of the example and
non-breaking spaces.  If you cannot teach your mail client to keep
spaces as-is, try attaching the file instead.

> 1) This example nearly works - but the "a1" in voiceB will be printed
> small like a cue note. No idea why.

The documentation states in the section about \cue:

File:,  Node: Formatting cue notes,  Prev: Quoting other 
voices,  Up: Writing parts


          Note: When a ‘Voice’ starts with ‘\cueDuring’, as in the
          following example, the ‘Voice’ context must be explicitly
          declared, or else the entire music expression would belong to
          the ‘CueVoice’ context.

David Kastrup

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