Hi Ben,

Actually I misread your original post and referred you to what you already had.

Elaine's hint is true but won't bring you any further because that's what is 
already happening in the background when you use the \gitCommittish function.

The point is (I think) that the function is explicitly making a markup from a 
string - and in order to concatenate a string for the file name you should 
simply avoid that step.


Am 15. Januar 2018 00:04:53 MEZ schrieb Ben Beeson <bwbe...@gmail.com>:
>Good evening all,
>I have attached an example that I hope helps. 
>Thomas, the gitCommitish I am using is the same as the one linked at:  
>So after committing the LilyPond files to the repository, the current
>git version will appear in the tagline when you rebuild the pdf since
>that value is extracted in the tagline entry. What I seek is a way to
>get that value appended automatically to the generated pdf so that the
>generated pdf would have a filename such as:
>       CommitishExample-0490435.pdf.   
>Using \bookOutputSuffix seemed like a good place to start, but as
>Thomas has pointed out,  \bookOutputSuffix "\gitCommitish" or
>\bookOutputSuffix \gitCommitish does not work.  
>Elaine has a good idea to extract that information at the shell and
>then append it to the filename using shell functions. I had not thought
>of that method before. I will work on a shell script for that and see
>what come out of that.  
>My apologies for referring you to the place where the git definitions I
>used were.  I thought that was information you were looking for.  
>Thanks to all for your help,
>On Sun, 2018-01-14 at 12:17 -0800, Flaming Hakama by Elaine wrote:
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: Ben Beeson <bwbe...@gmail.com>
>> > To: David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>, lilypond-user <lilypond-user@gnu.o
>> > rg>
>> > Subject: Re: How to append a git version to an output filename
>> > Hi David,
>> > 
>> > ...
>> > 
>> > What I seek is a way to append whatever the current git version is
>> > to the pdf filename that is generated so I don't have to open the
>> > pdf and check the tagline to see what version it is when searching
>> > for a specific version. Appending the git version to the filename
>> > would make it easier to know which version is represented by the
>> > pdf when searching through the directory.   
>> > 
>> > 
>> I'm unclear on what you want the git version of.  I can only assume
>> it is one of the lilypond source files.
>> In any case, if it something to do with the git commit version of a
>> file, you can get that from the command line, such as using something
>> like:
>>  git log $file | head -1 | sed 's/commit //'
>> And then there is a way to execute a shell command from within
>> lilypond, and assign it to a variable.  Which I'm not familiar with,
>> but I've read on this list about people doing so.  I'd bet you could
>> find that in the mail archives.
>> > The Guile information I have seen so far online has not been too
>> > helpful for this particular question.  If anyone has any ideas, I
>> > would enjoy seeing those. 
>> > Cheers,
>> > Ben
>> HTH, 
>> David Elaine Alt
>> 415 . 341 .4954                                           "Confusion
>> is highly underrated"
>> ela...@flaminghakama.com
>> skype: flaming_hakama
>> Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist
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