2018-02-03 15:44 GMT+01:00 Stefano Troncaro <stefanotronc...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Thomas, thank you for your corrections!
> If I may ask, where are functions like event-chord-pitches documented?

A lot of definitions in .scm-files are not documented.
You may try the code attached to

Or you may look through output-lib.scm, stencil.scm,
translation-functions.scm, music-functions.scm to list the probably
most important ones.
Ofcourse what's important may always differ, related to your needs.

> Now that I've touched on this subject I guess I'll take the opportunity to
> ask about the following. I have a lot of trouble understanding how things
> are related to each other by their naming. As an example, I find very
> confusing that ly:music? accepts chords and sequences of notes (or one-note
> chords and one-note sequences) but not single notes, even when examining the
> scheme representation of a single note with \displayMusic portrays it as
> "(make-music 'NoteEvent ... )".

Not true.
ly:music? returns true _if_ applied to a single note.

note = c'4
pitch = c'

#(display-scheme-music (ly:music? note))
#(display-scheme-music (ly:pitch? note))
#(display-scheme-music (ly:music? pitch))
#(display-scheme-music (ly:pitch? pitch))

A pitch has no duration!
In { c' } the element _has_ a duration, the current default-duration.

> What can I read to learn about these things instead of having to waste time
> and energy like this? Because right now, to an uneducated reader like me, it
> feels like trying to find the piece that goes into the triangle-shaped
> socket by trial and error instead of by picking the triangle-shaped piece,
> only that the triangle shaped-piece in reality goes into the square-shaped
> socket for some unapparent reason.

Yeah, I know the feeling.
Can't give better advice then above, though.
Ofcourse we have the Extending-manual, but I don't think it's really
what you're looking for.
Maybe others can give more hints.


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