Am 15.02.2018 um 17:29 schrieb
On Thu, 15 Feb 2018, Urs Liska wrote:
Sorry for the OT post, but I just have to share this new LaTeX package:

I really hope I'll find an opportunity to use it soon:-)
Cute.  For the genuine typewriter feel, it's important for the
between-sentences space to be twice the width of the between-words space;
that may not be standard for proportional typesetting (even LaTeX's
standard 1.33 factor is no longer popular) but the double-width sentence
space was universal in typewritten texts when typewriters were common.

Are you sure this is not related to language and culture? I can't recall seeing such double spaces in German texts - but I don't have any relevant books at hand to check. I'd assume it's similar to English texts (traditionally but less nowadays) having wider space after punctuation (LaTeX's default) while for German I'd use \frenchspacing exclusively.


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