2018-03-05 21:33 GMT+01:00 Wols Lists <antli...@youngman.org.uk>:
> On 05/03/18 17:55, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
>> Hi Knut,
>>> Because the definition of testing is invalid at that point of the main
>>> source file. If tempTest.ly would contain e.g. a score or a \paper block
>>> no error would occur.
>> No, it still throws an error because you can't define a variable inside a 
>> \bookpart (which is what \include-ing it at that point does).
> And as a programmer, I think "scope". You are defining the variable
> where you want to use it. It's widely accepted that that is good
> practice, global variables lead to errors, mistakes and confusion. But
> here you are forced to declare your variables at the global level :-(
> Cheers,
> Wol

Can't agree.
Nobody ever complained about not working:
\score {
  mus = { R1 }
  \new Staff \mus
>From the users point of view I see no real difference.

Ofcourse a structure like:

{ cis'1 } stored as music.ly
\score { \new Staff \include "music.ly" } stored as score.ly
\bookpart { \include "score.ly" } stored as bookpart.ly

will work.


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